Georgios K. Michalakis
A supporter of Patriarchal chanting
Georgios K. Michalakis (GKM) was born in
The recording lessons made by the late Constantinos Katsoulis [html], who very generously provided Georgios with 5 hours of Iakovos Nafpliotis [html] recordings, were most beneficial, and are highly recommended to all those wishing to learn, “re-learn” or perfect their chronos attacks.
He is a staunch supporter of Patriarchal tradition
according to the style of Iakovos Nafpliotis.
Georgios' auto-biography can be found in
[html] (in Greek).
Georgios has created the web site "Psaltopedia"
to express his views on Psaltiki.
Among his other contributions he has offered a large number
of rare recordings, published on and on [html]. In the past, Georgios has written a lot about psaltiki
in the discussion forum byzantinechant [html]. He now comments
on his own discussion forum, psaltopedia [html]. His main
concerns are about chronos, intervals and laryngismos, which he considers, in that very order, as
being the very essence of paedagogy and common prayer.
He has studied and taught Greek folk (demotic) dance (12
years of practice). He has also taught
Religion at the Aristotelis Hellenic High School of
Montreal, and Cathechism (after church akoloutheies).
Georgios now lives
The axioms of Patriarchal
hyphos are as follows:
“Chronos and engagement into chronos”
(“Chronos kai lipsis chronou” or “Chronos aki palin chronos”)
“moderate use of equilibrated vocalisations”
formular composition and interpretation, using the system of the three teachers, which
is self sufficient when complemented with correct paedagogy.
There are many levels of chronos,
and formular interpretation complexity, all must be
learnt by means of o/aural tradition only (not using instruments).
“ena einai to ison” = “one is the ison:
its very same self… it is to remain invariable, and provides the very
essence of diastemactic “harmony” and “context”.
the paedagory of psaltiki
cannot be different from the formular paedagogy of our Lord,
and of His Ecclesia (master to student memory transmission, non-instrumentalisation of the human person, freedom of
expression in line with continuity of common prayer tradition.
Vocal talent is food to have, but not indispensable: what counts is how each and everyone fructifies a God-given talent.
Below we present highlights of some of Georgios'
recordings, some of them commented by himself.
Home “artificial” Choir works:
(Notice the
constant ison, [“ena einai to ison” = “the ison is unique and invariant” according to the Protocanonarchos] with additional helping ison on tri- tetra phonic intervals)
Ti hypermacho, dichoron, mathima argon (
« Atenisai »
Petros of Peloponnesos (
Anoixandaria Georgios of Raidestos (
Koinonikon “Eis mnemosynon “ Petros
of Peloponnesos, Barys
Cheroubikon [wma]
Mode 1, adapted using classical formulae (Theodoros, Constantinos, etc.)
French Ecphoneses
French Doxologia, Barys enharmonios Ga [mp3]
Offertory “Benedixisti
Domine” [mp3]
Beautiful composition, Psalm 84
Gradual “Dominus Dixit” [mp3]
Latin original; Greek, French adaptations;
Note the way differences compositional rhythmic emphasi, used for the same melodic, gives final melodies
that are classified today as being as “different” as Gregorian and so called
“Byzantine”. All this is one and the
same thing: psaltiki!
(NB: I’m
not the one banging my foot… that is one the other psaltis)
« Idou skotia », [wma]
Barys enharmonios heptaphonos, before « Deute labete phos », Pascha,
Pascha, lights out before « Deute labete phos
». Improvisation, by heart
(no books = lights out). Echos Barys
enharmonios.. some concluding lines have the Pa bit low for enharmonios (the Zo-Ni is usually
all right). Adding a few more « diminished intervals » can lead to
turning this to « plagal fourth heptaphonos
GKM, E_, X_,
Exaposteilarion, Apostoloi [wma],
Koinonikon “Aineite”, [wma] 1986
Mode 4 Agia, Improvisation, 1986
(teens) Alepochori,
Pasapnoarion, Eis to mnema [mp3]
(This was not chanted in the Patriarcheion
at the time of the Protocanonarchos. Version inspired by Georgios
Theia Metalipsis excerpts. [wma],
Listen to the eleutheros chronos of the Soma Christo
during Theia Koinonia.
Listen to the way the canon « flows ». I change the mode back to first at the
end of the canon. GKM, E_, X_,
Osoi Eis Christon GKM, E_, X_, [wma],
Notice the beautiful intervals by the isokratis
to Stanitsas and Pringos, Evangelos, who honoured our analogion
(listen to the beautiful Di he does… which is not
always my case, given that I chant sporadically ever since 1991)
Leitourgika, [wma],
Personal composition of improvised on the spot, so as to
make things flow, because the priest knowns nothing
about mode, and because he’s always on plagal
first. I’ve put it in notes and it’s
available on the server. GKM, E_, X_,
Eisodos. [wma]
Listen to the Tempo of Christos anesti, as well as to the Kondakion
(the melodyuwritten out in Kypseli
is in Di
.. I heard the plagal fourth version from
monks). GKM, E_ , X_
Doxa soi, GKM,
E_ , X_, [wma]
Apolysis Pascha. [wma]
Note the Christos anesti in 2nd mode…. The ending « Alithos
anesti o Kyrios » comes form a monk. It makes sense. It beats
repeating « zoin charisamenos
» or just saying Amin… for once, we can give the
Greek version of what Amin means = Alithos, GKM_, E_, X_,
Pasapnoarion and Paschal Sticherons, GKM, E_, X_, [wma]
Doxa soi Evangeliou,
GKM, E_, X _, [wma]
Meg Sabbaton, Apostolos,
GKM, [wma]
Meg Sabbaton, Ainoi.
I had never heard Fr. Alexios of Xenophondos before 2006. Try comparing some trills…GKM, E_, X_,
Exaposteilarion Pasapnoarion [wma]
GKM, with Andreas Panagiotopoulos, Constantinos, Nicolaos Makris
Paschal Canon…[wma]
Free interpretation (I did not use the more classical
formulae, because I didn’t want everyone to get confused… I did a « Stanitsas/Athonite » hybrid), GKM,
E_ ,X_, Simple interpretation. I’m not content with all the intervals
(especially Di and Ga…
slightly off key due to many years of no chanting… )
Evangelical Conclusions [mp3],
Listen to the beautiful conclusions as interpreted by Fr. Constantinos Chalkias, student of
Constantinos Pringos.
Apostolos, Alleluia,
Live recordings, with brotherly friend,
Kathisma Eulogetaria [wma],
GKM, Nicolaos Pantelopoulos,
X_ Nicolaos loves Stanitsas,
so I tried to give a bit of Stanitsas blend.
Katavasiai Argai Anoixo
GKM, Nicolaos Pantelopoulos,
Epinikios Hymnos [wma]
GKM, Nicolaos Pantelopoulos,
Polyeleos “Douloi”, [mp3]
mode pl. 4, Chourmouzios,
Directed by
Kekragarion Argon, Iakovos, excerpt, mode 1
Live choral recordings, as chorist
With the late Archon Protopsaltis of North and South
America, Matthaios Andreou,
Montreal 1997, Cathedral of St. Georgios, mp3
The entire service is here:
Notice his excellent chronos and
exemplary articulation. He was suffering
of laryngeal cancer, to which he succumbed some years later. There was no “choir” practice for this
recording. The two chorists,
Kyr Evangelos and myself are reading the Archon’s score for the very first time. The choral directorship of this student of
Emmanuel Bamboudakis is the epitome of correct chronos counting as concerns a choir in the learning phase.
Offertory “Super Flumina” [mp3]
Chanted by Damien POISBLAUD; isson Antoine SICOT and GKM ( isson
Transitorium “Te laudamus”, Ambrosian [ra]
Director: Francis GAYTE
Although I did not chant in this particular piece, I was
chanting and recording that day, and feel that it is a masterpiece, in composition,
direction and overall interpretation.
Francis GAYTE is a very good friend, who has
done post-graduate studies on Psaltiki.
Live recordings, with his teachers
With Protocanonarchos kyr Stylianos Tsolakidis
Stylianos Tsolakidis
(at the age of 80), Protocanonarchos of IN:
An example of "vivid" haplos chronos (or very, very
simple "kata
My first Megali Hebdomada with Stylainos Tsolakidis. He was
recuperating from pneumonia. That and his advanced age (80 years
old), as well as the fact that he could not read print and that he
had not chanted in a church for over 10 years explain some
inconsistencies. I will later on put the following year's (1982)
recordings… superb
ST, GKM, Emmannuel, Phanourios, Constantinos, Nicolaos Makris, Fr.
Viktor (the monk who messes up the conclusion of « erchomenos
Kyrios ».
You can listen to my way of reading (as I had learned form various
monks). I got the « patriarchal » reading style later on.
I did not do canonarchisma… given the « accident » on
the 8th ode,
where St. Tsol. memory had a
little “lapsus”, I started doing serious
conanarchisma from then on. Sometimes I help my colleages in the
1995 recordings (if you wish to hear a « mature canonarchisma).
ST had told me that he wouldn't come to church that night. When he
showed up, we all rushed to get some recording material. An old
man who was in charge always thought he had to stop the machine to check it
was working! So, don't ask for CD quality…
With kyr Alekos Bardas (
“Opou Theos
Bouletai” mode pl. 2 heirmologic,
Doxologia Petros Byzantios,
mode pl. 1 [mp3]
Live recordings (French, English, etc)
It is very difficult to chant in languages other than those
of initial instruction. Let’s hope these
beautiful hymns inspire those chanting in languages than Greek to do better one
Ainos, “Exedysan me”, Idi Baptetai, Holy Friday Matins Fr [mp3]
France, 2006
“Simeron Krematai”,
Fr [mp3]
France 2006
“Gregoriano-psaltic” adaptations in French:
Theotoke Parthene Artoklasias [mp3]
Phos Hilaron [mp3]
Dosastikon, Glorificat Ste. Radegonde, Fr [mp3]
Lessons, Psaltic Paedagogy
Apostolos Readings [mp3]
A special Greek text has been developed, so as to demonstrate how melodic formulae are used to read the Apostolos in traditional Kliton Chroa of Fourth mode. Notice that, sometimes, there are plagal fourth Di-Ni intervals, especially when the Kliton Pa is low…
Anoixandaria Georgios of Raidestos Solfegio Parallagi
Free Psaltiki Lessons
and Correction (Si flat is NOT ALWAYS Si
Free Psaltiki Lessons
Protocanonarchou ST Mathitis
Student of the Protocanonarchos ST
Lesson 1 – Leçon 1 – Mathima
Introduction Part 1 (English)
Introduction Part 2 (English)
Score – Psaltikon Keimenon
– Partition
Comments: all in all, this is a first version. It's about
90% "all right". I'll do another version, hopefully in some
church. This is the first time I tried using some special isson
(three different pitches...) as well as an old AM radio single
earphone (it's not the same thing as using some professional
headset), and sometimes I had trouble focusing
on the right "harmonic"... Fors instance,
there are places where
an entire set of neumes is a bit lower than normal.. Anyhow, this is
is a first draft..
Feel free to criticize "à la masse"...
PLEASE don't tell me that my "Si flat" is
actually some other
note .. I KNOW... I was planning on changing the pitch
later on (because these lessons were intended for orthodox nuns... of
the Serbian church...) and that's the main reason I chose a low
basis... I then got tired, and brought it up... but when I tried changing the
pitch back down, it sounded awful, so I left as is... with a "Si flat"
Please don't go around
saying I treat every occidental note as a Si
Mode pl 4 octachordal Lesson
Mode pl 4 octachordal
Mode 1 Lesson
Mode 1
Mode 6 pentachordal Lesson
Mode 6 poentachordal
Mode 2 pentachordal Lesson
Mode 2 pentachordal
Mode 4 legetos Lesson
Mode 4 legetos
Mode 7 diatonic Zo Lesson
Mode 7 diatonic Zo Lesson Melos
ISSON files :
All zipped into one file
Separate files
Hail full of Grace 2004 [rm, 8.5 Mb]
composition by J. M. Boyer [pdf]
(using a translation of
Fr. Ephraim Lash [html]).
Anastasimatarion by Constantinos Pringos [files]
(according to the original edition, not the recent re-edition by Apostoliki diakonia and Simonokaraïtic student, Georgios Constantinou)
Homelies – Spontaneous lectures
“Psaltomatheia and Psaltopatheia”
Greek version [mp3]
French version [mp3]
Chronos excerpts [wma]
CHRONOS SAMPLES: MANY traditional Psaltis,
both known and unknown...Compare these to anyone of the newer ones for CHRONOS, LARYNGISMOS, and
HOMOGENEOUS ekphrasis.
Concert performances
Hellenic Community of Montreal Symphony Orchestra ( HCMSOC, Concert), Montreal 1991
The entire concert is provided below.
Concert N°. 2 014 Pollatos "Threnos tis Poleos 02"
“Thallei” from Oedipus
Orchestral “contemporary music” composition: Manolo Gonzales;
adaptation of “Thallei” by GKM = kliton [score] [ra]
Personal Secular Compositions
Contestation Psaltotragoudon [ra]
« Καταστροφές
της Ψαλτικής. / “Catastrophies in psaltiki”
Greek and English adaptation
mode: Πλάγιος του
Τετάρτου. plagal fourth
Inspiration: Εμπνευσμένο από
τραγούδι του
αείμνηστου Στ.
Καζαντζίδη / Song by Stylianos Kazantzides « Katasrophes kai basan »
FreeTechnology for Psaltiki
Gamera OCR for Conteporary
Psaltic Notation [html]
Hellenic Community of Montreal Symphony Orchestra ( HCMSOC, Concert)
and Contemporary Hellenic Music
with Occidental Orchestration and Interpretation
We have a very strong Hellenic
Community in
share with you some recordings of Demotiki music
which were composed
and orchestrated by Greek-born Denis (Dionysios) Pollatos and
Canadian-born Vangelis (Evangelos) Emmanuelides, and
which were
performed in 1991. Songs such as "Tsakonikos"
and "Tsamikos" are
The orchestra is composed of
non-Greek members, French-speaking Canadians for the most part, who were
enthusiastic about Greek music, and who tried initiating as much as possible
traditional demotic music. Some files
have been removed so as to reduce their size.
they will be put up uploaded soon.
Classical and Contemporary Hellenic
with Occidental Orchestration and Interpretation
Hellenic Community of Montreal Symphony Orchestra (HCMSOC)
(Hellenic Community = approximately 100 000 Hellenes in Montreal)
(in Concert)
2 Concerts with excerpts from the Oratorio "Heroes"
Compositions by Dionysios (Denis) POLLATOS
as well as by
who also orchestrated and directed these presentations.
The Soloists:
Maria Diamanti
Christos Psomiadis
GKM sings in the "Threnos
tis Poleos"
Concert N°. 2 005 Pollatos "Suite 02"
Antikristos (
Concert N°. 2 006 Emmanuelidis "Rhapsodia 01"
Zonaradikos (Epiros), Syrtos (« Eche Geia », Mesollogion),
Ikariotikos (
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 012 Pollatos « o Xein',
aggeilon Lakedaimoniois »
(Epitaph by Simonidis, Spartans fallen in Thermopyles)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 013 Pollatos "Orchestrikon
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 014 Pollatos "Threnos
tis Poleos 02"
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 015 Pollatos "Saranta
(Rhythmos 0dot - 1 – 1)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 016 Pollatos « Eleutheria
i Thanatos »
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 017 Pollatos « Stephana
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 0181 Emmanuelidis dir.«
Hymnos eis tin Eleutherian »
(Hellenic National Anthem)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 0182 Emmanuelidis dir.«
O Canada »
(Canadian National Anthem)
(One of the FEW national anthems to evoke God's help and protection :
« God keep our land, glorious and free..)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 021 Concluding Remarks 01
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 022 Emmanuelidis "Rhapsodia 01" bis
Zonaradikos (Epiros), Syrtos (« Eche Geia », Mesollogion),
Ikariotikos (
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 023 Concluding Remarks 02 President Maris
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 001 Introduction Applause
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 004 Pollatos "Suite 02" Introduction
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 005 Pollatos "Suite 02"
Antikristos (
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 006 Emmanuelidis "Tsamikos – Enas Aetos"
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 011 "Heroes" Introduction
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 012 Pollatos « o Xein',
aggeilon Lakedaimoniois »
(Epitaph by Simonidis, Spartans fallen in Thermopyles)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 013 Pollatos "Orchestrikon
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 015 Pollatos "Saranta
(Rhythmos 0dot - 1 – 1)
((1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 016 Pollatos « Eleutheria
i Thanatos » (Excerpt)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 017 Pollatos "Stephana"
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 018 Emmanuelidis dir. « Hymnos eis tin Eleytherian »
(Hellenic National Anthem)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 019 Concluding Remarks
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 002 Mozart Marriage
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 2 003 Barber Adagio
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 002 Mozart Marriage
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 021 Emmanuelidis "Rhapsodia 01" bis
Zonaradikos (Epiros), Syrtos (« Eche Geia », Mesollogion),
Ikariotikos (Ikaria)
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 006 Emmanuelidis "Tsamikos – Enas Aetos"
(1 Mb)
Concert N°. 3 022 Emmanuelidis "Tsamikos – Enas Aetos" Applause
(1 Mb)